Sigeheard of Essex

Sigeheard was joint king of Essex along with his brother, Swaefred, from 694 to 709, succeeding their father Sebbi.

In 705, they became estranged from King Ine of Wessex for sheltering his rivals to the throne. At the Synod of Brentford, they agree to banish them from Essex in return for King Ine promising not to attack Essex. The exact chronology of the later years of their rule are uncertain. It isn't known whether they governed together until 709 or if Swaefred died before then.

In 709, Sigeheard's son Offa was briefly joint ruler of Essex and succeeded them as ruler of Essex, but he later abdicated and traveled with King Cenred of Mercia to Rome.

Preceded by:
King of Essex
ruled jointly with Swaefred
Succeeded by:

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